By Alison Baughman, December 29th, 2014
2015 - An 8 Universal Year
“He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money.” - Benjamin Franklin
The 8 Universal Year begins January 1st, 2015. When we are discussing the Universal Year, it is important
to note that it applies to every country and every person on the planet and will set the tone for our collective
experience in 2015.
This 8 Universal Year emphasizes everything having to do with money and it is time to get the world’s
financial house in order. The 8 has the potential to make this a very prosperous year for the world economy but the 8 can also represent a Karmic reckoning. Wrongs will be righted under the influence of the 8. Major companies will be held accountable for any illegal business practices and will pay a hefty price for their behavior which can result in bankruptcies, lower profits and loss of revenue. Unstable economies will be forced to correct themselves. Japan, Greece, China and European economies are already experiencing difficulties which need to be addressed. Banking Institutions not built on sound financial practices will fail or have to correct their problems. We can expect major fluctuations in world stock markets. Pay careful attention to the stock markets in the months of May and September 2015.
I liken this year to the old saying “robbing Peter to pay Paul” but this is the year Peter is going to call you out on it. Peter knows you robbed him and wants his money back, is suing you and he has God representing him in court.
Lower oil prices are good for the economy because everyday people will benefit from lower gas and heating costs. This trend will continue in 2015. On the flip side of that coin, lower oil price cause a crisis for some oil producing countries and also undermines the cost effectiveness of fracking for natural gas in the US which has been an economic boom in recent years. Both can destabilize economies. I do feel the US economy will show improvement by the end of the year but it will be a bumpy ride getting there because the US economy is directly affected by the world economy.
There will be major competition between big businesses. The 8 does not have a problem with ego and can sometimes that ego gets overinflated and goes on a power trip. We will be hearing a lot of bragging and embellishing of actual assets. There will be power struggles. It will be interesting to see how big business vies for even greater profits. There will be emphasis on materialism and luxury items such as expensive real estate and automobiles and I am sure we will hear a great deal about wealthy CEOs and their bonuses. We will see many businesses grow and also hear of businesses going bankrupt. It bears repeating again, greed, unethical behavior and lack of good judgment from the past will be dealt with in 2015 and it isn’t going to be pretty for some people and businesses. 2015 also holds the potential for major success stories and economic growth for some so the news is not all bad.
The 8 Universal Year will also show stark contrast between the “haves and the have nots”. We may be witnessing more protests as everyday people demonstrate their resentment and anger at injustices. 48 million Americans live in poverty and I expect we will hear from them in the upcoming year. There will be protests calling for fair wages and benefits. Walmart do you hear me? Power will be challenged and in doing so, shed a light upon unethical business practices. The current protests over police brutality will continue because it is a power struggle and there have been injustices in the past. We can even expect government protests. It is time to right some wrongs in the world and humanity is set to call attention to them.
The current Ebola crisis has not been in the news of late but I expect that will not be the case for 2015. Ebola is an 8 and we are in an 8 Universal Year which brings me to the conclusion that next year is energetically supportive of Ebola. Stocks related to travel such as airlines; hotels, cruise lines and resorts will suffer repercussions economically if this comes to pass. There will also be opportunistic monetary surges in stocks related to hazmat gear and medical supplies used to combat the Ebola outbreak.
With all that being said the 8 is the ultimate problem solver and can find solutions to problems that have been plaguing the world for some time now. Goals will be set for achievements to be attained next year and into the future. The 8 year, although tumultuous, is leading us one step closer to a better world to live in. In order to build a better world, you have to tear down and deconstruct obstacles that stand in your way. This is all part of that process.
On a personal level, you should use the energy of the 8 Universal Year to get your individual financial house in order. Take some time to review your finances. Make sure you are making sound financial decisions and not living beyond your means. Check your credit card statements to make sure there are no fraudulent charges and order a copy of your credit score and review it for accuracy. You may want to change your passwords online if you have not done so recently. Set some financial goals for the future such as paying off debt or putting more money in savings or retirement accounts. This is not a time to live beyond your means or make a risky investment but rather, be cautious. Please be careful of fraudulent emails and phone calls asking for money for one reason or another because there will be plenty of them. Do your due diligence to investigate before you act. If you have elderly parents or grandparents who are not internet savvy, you may want to have a talk with them as they are the ones who most often fall prey to con artists.
Specific Predictions for 2015
The US Stock Market will be chaotic in the 2nd and 4th quarter. Months to watch for significant decline
are May and September. Watch the market on 11 and 29 days. If you are heavily invested in the stock market, you may want to exercise caution this year. I do recommend investing in gold, silver and precious gems.
The following companies will experience difficulties: JP Morgan, GM, Toyota, Marriott, Disney, Walmart,
Sears and ATT.
Typhoons and cyclones in the Pacific Ocean are getting more frequent and more intense. This trend will
continue. Japan is at risk. The Atlantic hurricane season will be active but more landfalls will occur with
typhoons and cyclones than with hurricanes. We can expect some Nor’easters this winter and spring.
I do not think it will be a good year for NASA and expect some difficulties with launches or collisions.
I predicted in 2014 that the White House would be threatened by unstable individuals and that did transpire multiple times in 2014. Unfortunately, this trend will continue.
I predicted that we would address police brutality in 2014 and as we all know that prediction came true. I said earlier that we would continue to address this problem but I want to add that there may be violent acts against police officers. We are already seeing this transpiring.
I predicted gun violence in our schools in 2014 and sadly that also occurred many times in 2014. Unfortunately, I have to say that this will not end in 2015. Gun violence will escalate in general. Unfortunately crime rates will go up across the country.
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