Noun: A thing predicted; a forecast.
Verb: To declare or indicate in advance especially: foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason.
For the past 20 years I've used Numerology to provide insight for those who wanted to take a sneak peek into the upcoming year. Keep in mind, no system out there can predict what will happen with 100% accuracy. But with a few calculations and review of historical events, I can predict what could happen based on Numerological influences.
2025 - A 9 Universal Year: The Year of Extremes
Alison Baughman ©2025 Published 12/29/2025
Number 9
Positive traits: Humane, compassionate, tolerant, forgiving, charitable, intuitive, fair, ethical, insightful, authoritative, natural leader, creative, astute, spiritual, benevolent, loving.
Negative traits: Resentful, critical, intolerant, self-righteousness, stubborn, judgmental, impersonal, suspicious, hateful, vindictive, lack of integrity, over-emotional, prejudiced.
Every number in Numerology has positive and negative qualities. The Number 9 is one of those numbers that is all ornothing. It is the number of extremes either displaying the positive qualities of the 9 or the negative and nothing in between. A 9 has the capacity to either save the world or destroy it. We can look to examples of Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi, both 9 Lifepaths, for selfless service to others and an example of true humanitarians. We can also look at the darker side of the 9 by examples of Heinrich Himmler, Ayatollah Khomeini, and John Wayne Gacy who were also 9 Lifepaths. In 2025, we will be witness to the best and the worst humanity has to offer and on some level, we already sense this.
No other year can unite humanity in a common cause as much as a 9 Universal Year. The number 9 stresses international and the potential for war. Already existing conflicts between countries have the potential to expand, involving more countries.
One of the most difficult aspects of a 9 Universal Year is understanding that it serves a special purpose. It stresses letting go of what no longer serves our greatest and highest good and
sometimes in order to do so, we need to identify what we need to release. We have to come to a decision by making observations and comparisons of good and evil, light and darkness, love or hate. 2025 will show us the contrasts. What will humanity choose?
The 9 brings completion and will even influence global economies that are unstable as well as governments that no longer function. The rise and fall of both have already begun but 2025 will bring about the finality, the ending, the culmination. What is meant to fail, will fail. Still, we need to hold on to the absolute truth that when one door closes, another will open.
To use the energy of the 9 Universal Year in a positive way, we must refrain from prejudice and be compassionate to our fellow brothers and sisters no matter what their religious beliefs are. We must choose to be tolerant, non-judgmental, charitable, and forgiving in order for a 9 Universal Year to reward us. 2025 will be revolutionary when it comes to civil and human rights. The question is, which direction will our world go in, for better or for worse?
We will become painfully aware of the needs of the less fortunate: the homeless, elderly and the sick and hopefully it will strike a chord of compassion in us all.
2025 will be a turning point and although it may seem tumultuous, it is very necessary in order for mankind to evolve. We simply have to trust in the Divine plan and know that in order to change the world; we have to go through change itself. As we close doors at the end of 2025, we will need to remind ourselves to turn around and look forward to 2026. We will need to trust the process that in order to begin there must be an end.
Other Predictions
This will be a year that places emphasis on our religious beliefs and should allow us to become more spiritually in touch. It is a year to expect miracles, signs, messages, and greater awareness. On the same note, 2025 will fan the flames of religious fanaticism.
Climate Change is real. Weather will be extreme in 2025. Records will continue to be broken. Flooding and super storms will be frequent. If you live by a river or a stream, consider moving or at least have a contingency plan on how to deal with flooding. Take warnings about the weather seriously. Do not rely upon government programs to come to your aid in the event of a disaster. The frequency of weather related disasters may deplete whatever funds the government has to assist those effected. Be prepared to care for your family yourself. Expect loss of electrical power for extended periods.
Donald Trump
He has a very challenging year ahead; however, something will occur within the 1st 6 months of 2025 that will definitely create a great deal of difficulty for him. It could be health related but is not limited to that. He is in a 2 Personal Year which requires patience, diplomacy and peaceful resolution of conflict. The 2 Personal Year suggests partnerships, working with others and setting aside your personal needs in order to benefit the greater good.
I think it is safe to make the observation that these qualities are not his forte. If he does not act in the manner a 2 Personal Year requires, he will only make matters worse.
2024 An 8 Universal Year
Alison Baughman ©2024 Published 1/1/2024
Let me start by saying that the influence of the 8 Universal Year is usually felt with what humanity will experience as a whole and it tends to pertain to world events.
The 8 represents prosperity. The focal point of 2024 will center upon the world economy. It has the potential to bring financial improvement. With that being said, it is also a year which brings Karmic balance. If there are debts owed, they will be collected.
One area that will see a correction is in commercial real estate. The pandemic necessitated remote working which, in turn, decreased the need for office buildings. After the pandemic eased, people continued to work remotely. Add to that rising interest rates and delinquecies on commercial loans and you have a recipe for a financial meltdown.
May and September 2024 are the months to watch in regard to world finances. If anything negative should happen, it would occur during those months.
2024 has potential for great accomplishments as well. It is time to use our collective to solve the problems that we face. Eradicating diseases, finding creative solutions to climate change, and correcting our mistakes are optimistic outcomes for 2024.
I do expect miraculous advances in medicine this year.
Climate change is no longer something that may happen in the future. It is happening now.
Storms of every type have gone to extremes. The use of the word "unprecidented" has become common when describing the weather.
Make no mistake, insurance companies are aware of where climate change is predicted to be the worst and are either refusing to insure people or drastically increasing prices. At some point the Federal Disaster Program will not be able to help simply because they are overwhelmed by the increased number of disasters.
I don't know how else to say this but please prepare now. If you live in a flood prone area, as hard as moving might be, consider moving. Temperatures can and will become life threatening. If you live in the South, be advised. If you live by the ocean, especially the Atlantic seaboard, it is a matter of time before sea level rise infringes upon your home. We will be dealing with many climate related disasters in 2024.
As to the 2024 presidential Election in the US, I can tell you one thing. Donald Trump will not win, His Numerology Chart indicated that 2023 was an extremely Karmic Year for him ( as demonstrated by all the indictments) and 2024 is not supportive for him either.
This is not a political opinion but rather, one based upon Numerology.
7 Universal Year
2023 (2+0+2+3=7)
The Universal Year energy influences the cosmic collective of humanity and will be the catalyst for world events in 2023.
Our lives can be demanding and leave little time for reflection but, the 7 is deeply introspective. It will create opportunities for us to slow down and examine our deepest thoughts. No doubt humanity needs to do a little self-reflection and hopefully gain a better perspective on our future course. There is no pause button for the world so it remains to be seen what events may transpire to create an opportunity for us to have the time to do the required soul-searching that the 7 requires.
The 7 seeks the truth and does not accept information on its face value. We are living in a world where the truth is constantly being challenged. Misinformation and outright lies blur the landscape of our reality. This year will place emphasis on discernment, looking beneath the surface and focusing on the facts. The 7 is skeptical and requires proof which can be an admirable quality however, taken to extremes, it can become very cynical and believe in nothing. This is a year to separate fact from fiction. Secrets, conspiracies, and lies have nowhere to hide in the 7 landscapes. Many people who have built their reputation upon deceit will experience a humbling fall from grace.
The 7 Universal Year offers us an opportunity to evolve spiritually which is an area of ourselves that we tend to neglect. It can be a year of immense growth if we set aside time to nurture our spirit. On the same subject, religious fanaticism is likely to intensify. Of late, we have been witnessing religious groups seeking to impose their beliefs upon us all. Each person’s journey of finding faith is unique unto themselves. This would be a good year to remember what is true for you would not necessarily be true for another person. The 7 embodies the greatest of wisdom and optimistically, wisdom will prevail in 2023.
The 7 offers opportunities for advancement in medicine, science, and technology. Expect to see great discoveries in these areas. We are likely to see science acknowledge the value of holistic medicine in treating illness.
The 7 is strongly associated with water. In the past, 7 years brought very active hurricane seasons but, the emphasis on water will go beyond storms at sea. It will encompass floods and droughts, too much or too little water. In 2022 we have witnessed record rainfall as well as snow. Storms of this type of magnitude will continue in 2023. Be prepared.
God blessed the 7th day and made it holy. He declared it a day of rest. The 7 Universal Year is much like that. Rest, rejuvenate and reflect are keywords. It is in those quiet moments that we have the greatest realizations which can lead to even greater achievements.
Alison Baughman ©2022 Published 12/30/22
Before we get to the 2022 Predictions, there is something important I need to share with you. The vibration of the planet is rising and to survive and thrive, humanity needs to raise their vibration to match it. This process began in the year 2000 when the energy of the 2 arrived. It has been slowly building in intensity and this year places emphasis on the 2 energy. Just look at how many 2s are in 2022.
The 2 insists that we find a peaceful way to coexist and be supportive of each other. It requires us to work for the greater good of all. The 2 is not selfish or egotistical. It does not support aggression or violence. The 2 also has a funny way of teaching patience and does not like to rush things. When the 2 is in charge, we have to just allow things to unfold. We cannot push or shove our way through this. That is the trajectory we are going in and eventually we will get there.
There is a struggle currently happening on Earth where some are holding on to the old ways, refusing to evolve and struggling in the process. How many of you are dumbfounded by how polar opposite people’s beliefs are? What you are witnessing is a difference in vibrations. The lower vibration creates mental imbalance which in turn, is the cause of the anger and violent actions we have a challenging time understanding. The bottom line is that they must evolve because if they refuse to do so, they will not survive. That is the choice.
You may be asking yourself “What can I do to help?” and my answer is to just be as kind and considerate of others as you can and do your best to live up to the expectations of the 2. In essence, caring about your fellow brothers and sisters is the only way.
2022 is a 6 Universal Year. The 6 focuses on home and family. It opens the doorways to an increase in marriages and births. There will be strong emphasis on children in 2022 in relationship to their well-being.
2021 brought a trend in working from home and we can expect more of the same in 2022. We are liable to see a greater labor shortage as more people re-evaluate their lives and prioritize their families over working in jobs that do not pay. This is the year where the average worker will have more leverage in asking for better wages and benefits. Welcome to the American Worker Revolution of 2022 which is long overdue. The beauty of the 6 vibration is that it is the champion of the underdog and will go a long way in assisting those in need and that includes underpaid workers. We can also look forward to hearing more news about how the rich exploit the poor and avoid paying their fair share of taxes. In 2022, the little guy wins.
Thankfully, the 6 brings balance and has the potential to find common ground, see a situation from both sides and find resolutions. In a world that is so divided, this would bring welcome relief.
The fact that Roe v Wade is under assault is important to consider when looking at 2022. The 6 is considered to be “cosmic mother” energy and the 2 is “divine feminine.” This will be a bigger issue in 2022 but, I feel women will have a great deal to say about it in the form of protests.
The 6 seeks justice and with so many unanswered questions about Jan. 6th, I believe we will find the answers and justice will be served.
The 6 is a positive number when it comes to finances, and I expect our economy to recover from early problems with the supply chain and end up doing fairly well in 2022. Gas prices will go up unfortunately.
I think, in time, we will be thankful for Omicron because it became the dominant variant. Delta was far more deadly. I believe it will be rough going in the early months of 2022, but I believe we coming to the end of this pandemic. Effective medicines to treat Covid as well as new and improved vaccines will become available in 2022. Herd Immunity will be easier to reach.
In the early months of the year, when Covid is still rampant, we are going to see major issues at the hospitals. Doctors and Nurses are at a breaking point and hospitals will not be able to handle the influx of patients. I am especially concerned about children. People may become hostile because they are turned away from treatment. I do feel steps will be taken to resolve this issue but not before it becomes a major problem.
The 22 In 2022
The 22 has a deep connection to Mother Earth. Climate change is not something that is in the future. It is here with us now. People perceive climate change as more of a threat to the coastal communities and it certainly is, however, it is a threat no matter where you live. Storms are intensifying and causing flooding rains, hurricane force winds inland, and an increase in tornados.
I suggest you discuss with your family what to do in a weather emergency. You might want to pack an emergency bag in case you have to evacuate. If you have a basement, you might want to create a safe space in the event of a severe storm. Stock up on batteries, flashlights, water, and food. Be prepared. If your area is prone to flooding, do what you can to minimize the impact. Check your sump pump or even have sandbags on hand. Most importantly, pay attention to weather warnings. There will be unprecedented weather now and in our future.
2022 will have several strong earthquakes and increased volcanic activity. There will also be a meteor that lights up the sky.
Power Outages
Expect to have more frequent power outages due to issues with the electrical power grid and the weather. This might be a good time to invest in solar panels or a generator.
We hear over and over about companies being held hostage by hackers and this trend will continue. Everything is run by computers so potentially; hackers can shut down anything. On a personal note, update your passwords and be cautious of emails. If you are not sure the email is authentic, Google it or contact the company by phone. Take the time to talk to your elderly family members and caution them about spam emails and phone calls.
By Alison Baughman, December 27th, 2020
Let me start by saying that I wish I could erase 2020 entirely. We have all been through the wringer. I extend a virtual hug to you all. I think the one positive takeaway from 2020 is that we have a newfound appreciation and gratitude for what is profoundly important in life.
2020 was a 4 Universal Year and as you recall, I told you, “Sometimes the 4 year creates limitations in our lives where our freedom is restricted in some way. Perhaps this has to do with travel, curfews or even Marshall law.” As we all know now, that statement rang true.
I also said “The 4 is associated with health so expect emphasis on that subject this year. It could be a sign of a worse than normal flu season.” Although that was the understatement of the year, it rang true as well.
The Universal 4 Year tends to teach us what we do not want, and the 5 Universal Year gives us opportunities to make necessary adjustments.
2021 is a 5 Universal Year and change is on the agenda. It will be a transformative year but, we will have to navigate some unexpected surprises along the way. We are all going to have to learn to adapt and be flexible as events unfold but, the good news is that change is on the way.
As we enter 2021, we have 20 days before the Inauguration and that period will be chaotic. I do not see Trump in the White House on Inauguration Day but, his rhetoric will be the cause of disruption. There will be protests from several White Supremacist groups such as the Proud Boys. The Secret Service will play a pivotal role in protecting attendees and I suspect they will be involved in an altercation. There will be no peaceful transition of power immediately but rather, we will continue to hear of plots to overthrow the government during this time. In the end, change will win, and we will have a new President and administration that has a decidedly different agenda than the old one.
COVID-19 will get worse before it gets better. This is news to no one. Winter and Spring will be difficult. As the year progresses, we will gain more freedom from the stringent rules of lockdowns and social distancing. It may take until the fall before we can breathe a sigh of relief. I believe the vaccines are a big part of this. Do not be surprised if one of the many vaccines is recalled because of safety reasons and expect shortages of the vaccine itself. We will be seeing advances in the treatment of COVID-19 with new medicines being discovered.
The 5 is symbolic of a change in job or residence. 2021 will not disappoint. We will be seeing this on a mass scale.
Companies who switched to remote work because of the pandemic now realize having employees work from home is as productive as having people work from an office. People, no longer required to live where they work, will be moving out of the cities.
This scenario creates a downside for the economy.
Companies will continue to build a remote workforce and as a cause and effect, they may no longer require office space. This will create a financial strain on commercial real estate which was in an already weakened state.
People’s mass exodus from the cities will have a negative impact on residential real estate in cities but will create a financial boom for suburban areas outside of cities.
Additionally, many businesses closed their doors because of the financial strain of the pandemic which will add even more strain on commercial real estate.
With approximately 10 million Americans behind on their rent or mortgage, unless financial aid relief comes, there will be mass moves in residence because of that.
The 5 represents communication. With that being said, I think we will hear a great deal from whistleblowers once Trump leaves office. One area where the truth will be revealed is in the mishandling of the pandemic.
Another area of communication that must be diligently watched is hacking. The 5 is prime real estate for this kind of activity and we can expect it to intensify in 2021. The good news is that the 5 supports technology so we can also expect great advances in protecting data as well as advances in technology in general.
California and the mid-west will continue to experience wildfires, loss of power and evacuations in 2021.
Prolonged heat in Phoenix and the surrounding areas will break records with the highest temperatures to date.
Unusual sub-zero cold will affect the mid-west this winter.
The 2021 Hurricane season will be active with storms intensifying at a rapid rate. It appears that the Gulf Coast is most vulnerable, especially Louisiana.
Earthquakes are a part of life however in 2021, there is an increased chance of a strong earthquake with an accompanying tsunami. Alaska and Greece are at risk.
The Economy
No question, there are challenges to the economy in 2021. Until COVID-19 is under control, businesses will continue to lay workers off and unemployment will increase.
Looking at the stock market, the 5 Universal Year is an active one. The 5 is the number of the gambler. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. There will be days you celebrate and others you watch and wonder how low the stock market can go. The months to watch the stock market for big ups and downs are March, August, and December.
I think the companies that will have excellent growth potential are in 5G Vending Machines and Solar Companies.
Recommended Stocks: Vengo Labs – high tech vending machines, Via Touch, Vicki-self checkout solutions.
Donald Trump
Nothing is going to go his way in 2021. Everything he does will be a failure. He will be entangled in legal battles which will continue into the following year and he will lose in the end. He will also lose supporters. His health will decline. He will continue to be obstinate and refuse cooperation on every level. He will feel isolated.
Ivanka Trump has an exceedingly difficult year on tap in 2021. Whether this is in her public life or private, there is a significant ending for her. Also, knowing she is under criminal investigation, this is a sign that it will not go well for her.
Eric Trump is tied to an investigation of the Trump Organization’s finances. 2021 will do him no favors as his Numerology Chart clearly indicates a difficult year.
Mitch McConnell
2021 is an extremely challenging year for him. There is a good possibility for him to lose his position as Senate Majority Leader. His Numerology chart emphasizes endings or closures on a significant part of his life. It is also within the realm of possibilities that he may die.
Adam Schiff
Big news is on the agenda for Adam. There is a significant new opportunity coming his way.
Dr. Fauci
The restraints are off and Dr. Fauci will emerge as the voice of science regarding the Covid-19 pandemic.
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